Stand Up Forklift Certification

Stand Up Forklift - If you read our previous blog on Sit Down Forklifts, then you may know sit down forklifts are one of the most common types of forklifts students train and obtain their forklift certification on - when first entering the industry. Reason being, this counterbalanced, sit down forklift is versatile, comfortable, entails…

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Commerce Forklift School Discusses What Creates Workplace Success

Forklift Operations - As we’ve expressed before, forklifts play a major role for a company’s success; as they help your workforce get more done, in less time. That said, they can be costly – specifically, when uncertified and/or untrained employees operate them. In fact, in addition to the massive penalties associated with operating a forklift…

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Sit Down Forklift

Sit Down Forklift – There are a variety of forklifts in existence, designed for a variety of tasks. From sit down forklifts to stand-up forklifts, it’s easy to question which one to become certified in. However, in all honesty, the more types of forklifts you are trained and certified in, the more marketable you will…

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Compton Forklift Certification – Creating a Stable & Rewarding Career

Compton Forklift Certification  - Foster Farms, Hollander Sleep Products, Nestle, DSC, Burlington, and the new and upcoming Ikea store are just a few of the MANY companies currently hiring forklift operators in Compton and surround Southern California locations. Demand for forklift operators is continuing to rise, creating great opportunities for forklift certification students and American…

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