Forklift Operations – As we’ve expressed before, forklifts play a major role for a company’s success; as they help your workforce get more done, in less time. That said, they can be costly – specifically, when uncertified and/or untrained employees operate them. In fact, in addition to the massive penalties associated with operating a forklift without certification, a simple mistake can lead to harmed products, equipment, business, and even lives.

If you’re an existing or soon to be forklift operator, you must remember to ALWAYS remain up to date on your forklift training and education. Likewise, if you’re an employer, make sure your forklift operators (regardless of their years of experience) are not only certified, but they’re keeping their forklift knowledge and skills sharp. On a side note, if you or your employees are in need of forklift certification, a refresher course, or renewal of forklift certification, please contact us at (323) 620-7000.

We can’t stress this enough! Too often, uncertified or not properly educated forklift operators make preventable mistakes, such as:

1) Speeding – Speeding is one of the greatest causes of forklift accidents. Operators must learn to pay attention to speed limits and speed bumps, as well as know the forklift’s route.
2) Over Loading – Operating a forklift without knowing its capacity, which usually is listed on the data plate, can create instability and cause the forklift to tip over.
3) Improperly Securing – Loads come in different sizes, shapes, and weight. Subsequently, they require different methods of securing. Not properly securing the load can lead to great risks.
4) Improperly Inspecting – Not properly inspecting, uncovering, and addressing forklift concerns prior to operations (i.e. whether the equipment’s battery or the lift’s hydraulic fluids are low), can lead to further damage and increase risks for workforce safety.
5) Improper Communication – Not properly communicating and paying attention to what’s around is a scream for injuries and damage.

So what can be done? Earn your forklift certification. Again…you (or your employees) can get forklift certified and increase you forklift knowledge/skills, here at American Forklift Training Centers, INC.

Remember, forklift operators play a huge role in operations and have a great responsibility – properly and efficiently handle forklift operations with care, while avoiding accidents, damage, and injuries – all of which can be avoided with proper forklift training and safety lessons.

Final thought, do you know what are three top variables that bring huge success to both forklift operators and their employers?

1) Receive PROPER training – Online training is not proper training! Proper training entails hands-on training from experienced instructors, as offered at American Forklift Training Centers, INC. Comprehensive forklift training shows students not only how to operate a forklift, but also how to become aware of and handle different safety concerns – thus creating a safe workplace, with fewer injuries. They’re taught how to properly load, transport, and unload – while avoiding product damage. Let’s not forget to remind employers, that proper training leads to fewer incident and accident rates, yet higher productivity, avoided expenses, and of course reduced workers comp claims.

2) Receiving training and earning a certification in multiple types of forklifts – As you may know, forklifts come in different types and purposes. Multiple certifications can add value to a business, add skills to a resume, and add dollars to a paycheck.

3) Confidently complete the job – Confidence is powerful. As an operator, obtaining training and becoming forklift certified with American Forklift Training Centers, INC., ensures that you can confidently perform your job. In turn, you feel good and become a more valuable asset for your team and employer. Heck, you may even enjoy going to work every day.

Now, this all starts with one step…whether you’re an operator or an employer, let’s raise your forklift operations to the next level. Contact us today, to learn more. (323) 620-7000