Humanity First USA – Can you imagine what it feels like to know that you had a hand in helping feed countless of Americans and the starving in other countries? Or to help the blind see again? How about knowing that your efforts helped build a well in an African village?
We don’t generally write blogs like this, but this is about a dear and important organization to us – a humanitarian relief and development non-profit organization known as Humanity First USA.
This organization is on a mission to reduce as much suffering as possible, by (1) relieving suffering caused by natural disasters and human conflict, (2) promoting peace and understanding based upon mutual tolerance and respect, and (3) strengthening people’s capacity to help themselves.
Working with diverse communities and belief systems, they have been providing aid and assistance to those in need irrespective of race, religion, or politics. By bringing together global and local volunteers, experts, and resources – as well as collaborating with local authorities, humanitarian aid agencies, and other NGOs – they have been able to give about 90% of received donations to their projects for serving those in need.
At American Forklift Training Centers, Inc., we have been proudly donating to and volunteering at Humanity First USA for years, but they could use more help.
From alleviating humanitarian disasters to digging wells for clean water to provide orphans a secure and caring environment, Humanity First USA is dedicated to helping the world’s vulnerable, but they depend on the help of dedicated volunteers, donors, and sponsors like you and us.
Over the years, we have sponsored events and telethons, donated to provide food for the starving, build a well in an African village, give the opportunity of surgery to help the blind once again see, and much more.
Powered by volunteers, they are seeking more volunteers to help locally and globally care for fellow human beings. In fact, many major companies such as Walmart, Home Depot, John Deere, Nike, Boeing, and more are also encourage volunteering by awarding cash donations to the organization if you’re employed by them and volunteer. To learn more about becoming a volunteer, please visit their volunteer page.
If you’d like to donate, your donations will allow Humanity First USA to continue to invest in human development and disaster relief efforts – as they strive to maximize the impact of every gifted dollar. As mentioned, approximately 90% of cash donations received are spent directly on projects that serve the vulnerable in the USA and around the world, including projects for sustained educational support to students, medicine and treatment to the sick, regular checkups / screenings / scans and safe delivery of infants for expecting mothers, monthly food rations to the hungry, and more.
Additionally, you can select what you’d like to apply your donation to (in your name or in honor/memory of someone else). At the time of this writing, you can select from: (1) The General Funds Project, (2) Sadqa, (3) Food Security, (4) Gift of Sight, (5) Global Health, (6) Knowledge for Life, (7) Nasir Hospital Guatemala, and (8) Water for Life.
Donations can be made via credit card or PayPal. To learn more, please visit their donations page.
If you’d like to become a sponsor, please visit their sponsor page. Sponsoring Humanity First USA, could not only help you fulfill your corporate social responsibilities and potentially qualify for tax deductions, but your support will make it possible for them to carry out their mission in serving mankind locally and globally, without discrimination.
Please join us in continuing to serve humanity, by learning more at Humanity First USA.
As alway, if you’d like to learn more about us, please call American Forklift Training Centers, Inc. today. Hu